Explore South Carolina Culture, Economics, Environment, Geography, Government, History, Maps, and more by grade level.
These curated materials include Discus resources and selected websites and are available for use in research projects and classrooms. Resources within each grade level support the understanding of South Carolina’s past, present, and future.

Elementary School
Explore elementary school-level, South Carolina subjects such as:
- Historical events
- Diverse geography
- Resources and the impact on economic conditions
- Attributes of responsible citizenship
- And many more!

Middle School
Explore middle school-level, South Carolina related subjects such as:
- Colonial development and settlement
- The American Revolution
- Slavery, the Civil War, and Reconstruction
- Social change and the Civil Rights movement
- And many more!

High School
Explore high school-level, South Carolina related subjects such as:
- Arts and Literature
- Native American studies
- Diverse cultures
- State and local government organization
- And many more!