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Irene Trowell-Harris was the first African-American female in the history of the National Guard to be promoted to the rank of Major General.
Lt. Col. Spann Watson was a fighter pilot who served with the Tuskegee Airmen during World War II.
Judge Matthew James Perry, Jr. was South Carolina's first Black United States District Court Judge.
Both Beaufort County and its county seat Beaufort were named for Henry Somerset, Duke of Beaufort (1684-1714), one of the Lords Proprietors of Carolina.
Marlboro County was named after John Churchill, the first Duke of Marlborough (1650-1722).
Georgetown County and its county seat, Georgetown, were named for King George II of England.
Berkeley County was named for two of the Lords Proprietors of Carolina, Lord John Berkeley (d. 1678) and Sir William Berkeley (d. 1677).
Beach Music was designated as the official State Popular Music by Act Number 15 of 2001. Beach music is primarily a rhythm and blues style based on 4/4 rhythms with a moderate to fast-paced tempo.
(noun) - A vehicle, usually a naval one, that attempts to bring cargo across a blockade
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