South Carolina Glossary

A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | Y
canal with boats between buildings


(noun) - a manmade waterway that connects bodies of water such as lakes or rivers

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green sticks laying on ground


(noun) - any of various tall, perennial grasses with flexible, woody stalks, and more specifically from the genus Arundinaria

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black cannon on brown wooden dock during daytime


(noun) - a large artillery gun, often on wheels

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Two people on a canoe in the water.


(noun) - a small, long and narrow boat used by Native Americans and others to travel on waterways

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Map of South Carolina counties with the capital, Columbia in orange text.


(noun) - the seat of government, especially of a country or state

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A small boat next to a large ship carrying multicolored crates


(noun) - the goods, merchandise, or other items that are conveyed in a vessel or boat

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A large circular body of water tucked in between a forest of trees.

Carolina Bays

(noun) - one of a series of oval depressions along the coastal plain, from Georgia to Delaware


Silhouette drawing of a man and woman dancing

Carolina Shag

(noun) - a swing dance that began in South Carolina in the 1940s


A man with a top hat, glasses, and beard walk toward a group of people with a large bag over his shoulder.


(noun) - a term of contempt for a Northern man seeking private gain or political advancement in the Southern United States after the Civil War.

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rows of green corn stalks.

cash crop

(noun) - a crop grown to be sold to other people, not to be used by the people who grew it

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black and red cows with white faces stand in the green grass in the daylight.


(noun) - domesticated bovine animals such as cows, bulls, and steer

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woman wearing different styles of clothing and hairstyles.


(noun) - a hundred years

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An intricately designed chamber pot in dark blue, gold, teal, and white with a flower motif in center.

chamber pot

(noun) - an item used by the family during the night when they could not make a trip to the outhouse


An old and yellowed document with illustrations framing the text and illustration of a man with long dark hair.


(noun) - a document issued by an authority conferring rights on a person or set of people. For

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People young and old with their left hand over their heart.


(noun) - a legally recognized member of a country, state, or other places who has obligations to and is entitled to protection by and from the government

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A large building with a large dome shaped roof and multiple white columns.

city hall

(noun) - the building that houses a city's government


Men surround a man sitting at a desk writing something on a piece of paper.

Civil Rights Act of 1964

(noun) - a federal law that prohibits discrimination in a number of settings, including voting, public accommodations, public facilities, public education, federally-assisted programs, and employment

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People marching and carrying signs for equal rights, integrated schools, decent housing, and an end to bias.

Civil Rights Movement

(noun) - an umbrella term for the many varieties of activism that sought to secure full political, social, and economic rights for Black Americans in the period from 1946 to 1968. 

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Buildings with a large wooden in front of it. Debris lays outside the fence.

Civil War

(noun) - the war fought between the northern states and the southern states in the 1860s

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Map of the United States covered in various shades of red and orange.


(noun) - the average weather for a particular region


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Buildings next to the beach and ocean.


(noun) - the seashore, or land near it

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Map of SC in various colors to represent each region. Inner Coastal Plain is in orange while the outer is in blue.

Coastal Plain

(noun) - a large, relatively flat region of southern South Carolina characterized by meandering rivers, swamps, agriculture, and pine forests

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Map of SC. Coastal Zone in marked in red.

Coastal Zone

(noun) - the coastal region of South Carolina characterized by beaches, dunes, marshes, seaports, and tourism, sometimes referred to as the "Lowcountry"


Map of the early American colonies.


(noun) - a group of emigrants who settle in a distant land, but remain connected to their parent country

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A group of people of differing ages and genders.


(noun) - a group of people who share the same language, manners, tradition, geographic location, and law


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Map of the Confederate States of America

Confederate States of America

(noun) - nation formed by the southern states that seceded from the Union during the Civil War

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children and adults planting


(noun) - the planned management of natural resources to prevent loss, destruction, or waste

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A machine of metal gears and wood behind a glass window with bits of cotton underneath.

cotton gin

(noun) - a machine invented in 1793 by Eli Whitney for separating cotton fibers from cotton seeds

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A colorful map of South Carolina's counties.


(noun) - a land area of local government within a state. South Carolina has 46 counties.

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A greyish tan rock with the text Lexington Square sits in front of two brick and glass building and manicure landscaping.

county seat

(noun) - the city or town where the offices of county government are located


blue, red, yellow, and green map.


(noun) - the blending of several cultures and languages created from long-lasting and persistent contact among different cultures and peoples


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People hand picking crops.


(noun) - a plant grown for food or other uses

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four roads meet up in the center surrounded by fields.


(noun) - a place where roads meet


Map showing goods and concepts that came from one country to another.

cultural diffusion

(noun) - the spread of cultural elements from one culture to another


Five women dressed in black and African print sing while one beats on a drum.


(noun) - the way of life of a group of people, including their behaviors, beliefs, values, customs, and symbols

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A silver coin with a map of South Carolina, the palmetto tree, and the Carolina wren.


(noun) - coins and paper money

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