South Carolina Glossary

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Map of Madagascar in green and light yellow


(noun) - a small island off the southeast coast of Africa, thought by some to be the origin of rice culture in the Carolinas

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different ears of corn in shades of red, black, gold, and light yellow


(noun) - corn

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black mosquito on person's skin


(noun) - an illness caused by the bite of a parasite carrying mosquito. It causes intermittent and violent fevers, which can lead to death.

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Large white squarish house with black shutters with the American and SC flags in between two windows


(noun) - a large house


yellow and silver machinery


(noun) - the use of machines, tools, and labor to make things for use or sale

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a yellowed map with different areas outlined in yellow, blue, and red


(noun) - a graphic representation of a portion of Earth that is usually drawn to scale on a flat surface

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Large circular fences in the blue water


(noun) - the cultivation of fish or other marine life for food


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grassy land and trees in shallow brown water during daytime


(noun) - an area of land that is often underwater or is mostly shallow water.

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brown sack tied with light string

mattress tick

(noun) - a cloth sack filled with straw, feathers, or cornhusks and used to sleep on


A smiling Steve Benjamin wearing a dark blue pinstripe suit and red necktie


(noun) - the leader of a city or municipality

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Seasoned brussels sprouts, carrots, and zucchini


(noun) - a diverse assortment or mixture


Map of South Carolina with the center counties in red


(noun) - a geographic and cultural region located in the middle of South Carolina


Map of the world with blue, red, magenta, yellow, teal, and green arrows pointing to different countries


(noun) - the act or process of people moving from one place to another with the intent of staying at the destination permanently or for a relatively long period of time.

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Three men with green, yellow, and red clothing.


(noun) - civilians trained as soldiers but not part of the regular army

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A group of children in a factory


(noun) - a machine used to break a solid material into smaller pieces. Also, a mill is a factory with facilities for manufacturing.

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amber colored gem embedded in brown and black rock


(noun) - an inorganic material formed by geological processes in the earth

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tan shoes with a woven pattern in the front in white, black, green, red, blue, yellow, and brown.


(noun) - a Native American shoe, usually made of deerskin

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gray mountain with a picture etched into it


(noun) - a hill or mountain standing isolated above a predominately flat plain

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A golden lion and a white unicorn with a golden mane and tail hold up a crest with a gold and red crown with a tiny golden lion at the top of the crown


(noun) - government in which political power is exercised by a single ruler under the claim of divine or hereditary right

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A blackish brown mule with green and white bags on it's back


(noun) - the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse

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(noun) - an open rebellion against a constituted authority

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